Servant Leadership - Mark 10:42-45, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-5


Sermon Summary - Leadership is an important part of the New Testament church. Jesus leads us away from worldly leadership and teaches us the new way of servant leadership. The way of Jesus leads us to use our power and position to serve others rather than for our own needs.

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Memory Verse - For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45 (ESV)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read through Mark 10:42-45. We recommend using the questions from the DNA Meeting Guide to help guide your study of this text. The guide also gives your DNA group a simple structure to work through the passage and discuss together.
  2. Getting to the Heart - Where has God given you power and position to lead? In what ways are you tempted to use this for your own needs? What might need to change in light of Jesus way of leadership?
  3. Living the Way of Jesus - Servant leadership is neither controlling or apathetic. In your spheres of leadership how which of these two areas do you need to grow in? Ask 2-3 of the people who you lead how you can grow as a servant leader.

Kids Worship Questions:

  1. Read Mark 10:42-45. What do you find most interesting about this text? Draw a picture of what you read in these verses.
  2. Who are the people in your life who lead you? What does it look like for you to honor them and respect their authority in your life?
  3. What people has God put in your life who you influence? How can you use your influence to encourage others and point them towards the grace of God?