intro. VIDEOS
The first portion of intro. consists of a series of videos that give you some insight and understanding to some of the fundamentals of Redeemer - God’s story, our leadership, the church’s mission, the Gospel, and why and how we do what we do as a church.
Download the “INTRO GUIDE PDF” to take notes then watch each video before you attend the in-person basics class
intro. | Welcome Lunch
Welcome to the Redeemer basics class. As you watch these videos please write down any questions or curiosities you have about Redeemer so that they can be discussed at the in-person portion of the class. Download the PDF guide so you can follow along.
Launching on Easter of 2012, God’s provision has been evident ever since the very beginning. Redeemer is a church that desires to "Make Disciples & Plant Churches." Watch to hear more about the Story and History of Redeemer.
In this session we take a look at the leadership of Redeemer. We know that many churches structure leadership in different ways, so what does it meant that Redeemer is an elder-led, deacon-supported, staff-equipped church? Watch to hear more about the Leadership of Redeemer.
intro. | SESSION 3 - MISSION
Redeemer is an ordinary church participating in the extraordinary mission of God. God is on mission and the whole story of the bible is the story of God on mission that we get to join in. This helps us clarify why the church at large exists and how we understand our local church in God's story. Watch to hear more about the mission of Redeemer.
intro. | SESSION 4 - THE GOSPEL (PT. 1)
The Gospel is first and foremost a message. It is historical. God has done something in human history that has forever changed the world. And when you hear the message about Jesus, believe who he is, what he has done, and you give your allegiance to him as Lord -- it has profound effects on our lives. Watch to hear more about the Gospel.
intro. | SESSION 5 - THE GOSPEL (PT. 2)
The effects of the gospel on our lives are all about reconciliation. God is working to restore and reconcile all things in Christ and he does this in us, among, and through us. The Gospel’s power is three-dimensional. Watch to continue to hear more about The Gospel.
As believers it’s important that we view the Gospel in 3D - the Gospel is Personal, it is Relational, and it is Societal. Because the Gospel is Personal, Relational, and Societal, that effects "how" we do things and "why" we do them. Watch to understand more about the church and then join us to continue the conversation at the next intro. Welcome Lunch.