The Gospel According to Luke Reflection Guide Week 1

Series Overview: Over the next 15 weeks, the historic church calendar takes us into the seasons of Epiphany, into Lent, and toward Good Friday and Easter. During these weeks we will look at the life of Jesus, and “walk with him” toward the cross and the tomb. We will do so using Luke’s Gospel account. Luke writes with a clear purpose (1:1-4). He wants to help us see Jesus clearly. He gives us a well researched, “orderly account” that shows us who Jesus is and what he has done for the world.

Sermon Summary: In this sermon, we looked at Luke 3, in which Luke details for us the ministry of John the Baptizer and the baptism of Jesus. There are two stunning events that happen in this chapter. First, the fact that Jesus comes to be baptized should give us pause. Even John himself is hesitant to baptize Jesus. Why is he baptized? What does it accomplish? Second, as Jesus comes up out of the water God the Father speaks and God the Spirit appears. In this sermon, we consider what these events tell us about who Jesus is and what he has accomplished on our behalf.

Listen to the sermon HERE.
Watch the sermon HERE.

Key Scriptures to consider: Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is unique about Luke’s gospel? What is his purpose in writing? (Consider Luke 1:1-4).
  2. What does John the Baptizer teach us about the Christ? What things would he do?
  3. Discuss the scene at Jesus’s baptism. What is the significance of this event?
  4. Pastor Jordan shared, “Jesus would go on to take our cross and give us his crown.” This means the word the Father spoke over Jesus, He now speaks over all who are in Christ. That means you are a “dearly loved child of God”. God is pleased with you. Discuss.
  5. How does understanding your “gospel identity” inform the way you live this week? What needs to start, stop, or change in your life because of this truth?