Hope EP Release


On October 14th Flourish will be releasing a collaborative album on behalf of Hope Mommies, an organization whose sole purpose is to come alongside moms and families who have experienced infant loss, bringing comfort, encouragement, companionship, and hope as they continue to walk this side of eternity without their beloved son or daughter.

Flourish is providing 2,500 physical copies to Hope Mommies chapters nationwide at no cost. We would love to see Redeemer support the project/Hope Mommies/Flourish by helping raise $750 through the process to help cover costs and allow for more albums to be sent out to Hope Mommies.

Here are 4 potential ways you can support:

  1. Buy a physical or digital copy of the album
  2. Buy an album for a friend you know has lost a beloved child to support them.
  3. Donate to support Hope Mommies
  4. Pray for this project to be a blessing to Hope Mommies & anyone who might hear it

We will have albums available at our gathering Oct 14th & a donation box set up at our gatherings through the month of October.